Raise more with

Voice for Good

Voice for Good has partnered with Givebutter's modern fundraising platform to provide mission-driven marketing to nonprofits.


Voice for Good

Voice for Good equips small nonprofits with the tools and knowledge to share their big stories through meaningful messaging guides and strategic marketing plans—raising awareness and funds for their missions.

Voice for Good partners with organizations that don't have a dedicated marketing team or staff member in-house. Through meaningful messaging guides and strategic marketing plans, Jordana equips nonprofits with the tools and knowledge to share their stories in a way that connects with the right audiences for them. Jordana also works with a small number of organizations on retainer to both strategize and implement their messaging and marketing initiatives on an ongoing basis.




Captivate your potential supporters on your campaign pages with the help of professional storytellers and copywriters

Social Media

Engage your community via social media

Email Marketing

Connect with your supporters via email

Hi, I'm

Jordana Merkin

Founder of Voice for Good

After a decade as an in-house nonprofit marketing and communications pro, I founded Voice for Good to bring my insider knowledge and outsider perspective to help growing nonprofits raise awareness and funds through strategic marketing and communications. I know under-resourced organizations can't do it all—and I also know what small steps they can take to see a big difference for their organization.

Featured campaigns

Voice for Good

clients using the Givebutter platform

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Content featuring

Voice for Good

on the Givebutter Blog

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Partner with

Voice for Good

on Givebutter

Clear messaging and strategic marketing to connect with those who matter most to your cause.

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